"When I was six years old we lived in an urban Californian neighborhood. It is unclear to me how I came to have ducks there, but have them I did. I remember being sent home on the first day of first grade because I had arrived accompanied by two ducks who would not leave my side."
Jeffrey Masson, The Pig Who Sang to the Moon
The Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, promised before the last election to provide a laptop for every school child in years 9 to 12. He has it all wrong. Kids have more than enough technology in their lives. What they don't have enough of is ducks! Imagine how their learning would be enhanced with the calming, grounding, joy-making influence of a duck by their side. Academic scores would surely sky-rocket, but more importantly these young people would go on to make the world a better place. I call on the Prime Minister of this country to really make a real difference to the lives of young Australians. Provide ducks to every school.
I personally love ducks. When I see them, I race up to greet them like long lost friends. For some reason they fly off, but I'll persevere.
Life is great with ducks.