Saturday, 9 May 2009

School is in.

"You two have an amazing ability to sleep all afternoon." 
Mandy to Tim and me. 

It has been another great day of sunshine, walks, breakfast, playing with dogs, getting pats, giving licks, lying in the sun, daydreaming, watching the world go by and snoozing on the sofa. When Mandy said that to us I had a great idea. With this amazing ability, we could open a school. "The Ruby School of Relaxation." I think we will have students come here as well as courses by correspondence. I think places will fill up fast so if you are interested you had better let me know quickly. 

Life is great when you are having a nap. 


YogaforCynics said...

Where do I send my application?

Suzuki said...

Sounds like a good idea to me!
Big licks to you

Dexter said...

I believe that I have a natural talent for that relaxing stuff. Perhaps I could be a guest speaker.


Rufus and Indie said...

Hi Ruby! Your school will be the best and your best student will be Indie (sleepyhead)!
We love your blog!

Amber and Nala said...

Ah yes, it is a great art, relaxation. I love spending the day relaxing with my Mom. :)


Juliet Colors said...

I'd love to join. You'd be a wise teacher, Ruby.

Minnie-Moo (Rescue Lab) said...

That sounds like a great school - I think my dad would like to come!


p.s. we think we need a Ruby Isabella entry to my challenge ...

Honey the Great Dane said...

Hi Ruby,

I think I could be a good teacher at your school - I spend most of my life horizontal...

Honey the Great Dane

Ruby Isabella said...

Thanks everyone. It looks like I've got some good students and teachers, it'll be a great school!