Friday, 3 April 2009

Of Drought and Flooding Rains

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of drought and flooding rains,
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel sea,
Her beauty and her terror -
The wide brown land for me.

Dorothea Mackellar

We are up to the flooding rains part. Down south they have had bad floods. We are fine here but we did have a day and a bit of rain. This is a photo from our back deck. Yesterday, I only got a short walk at 10:30pm! This is unheard of. The only thing that one can do is curl up in bed "like a pretzel" as Mandy says. The rain has stopped so I am confident that Tim will take me out for a walk. I think I'll go and give him licks as a subtle hint. 

We are grateful for the rain because our dams are low. The drought was taking up the madia..oops Freudian slip... media space and people's attention. Then, as a friend pointed out, along came the financial crisis and swept the drought from the front page. Then, down came the rain. Once people's attention had been taken off drought, drought, drought, it allowed the rain to fall. Don't put your attention on what you don't want. I should say, put your attention on what you do want.

Life is great when you have a cosy bed to curl up in like a pretzel. 


Anna the GSD said...

We've had a lot of rain here too! It's made great hole digging weather and mud playing weather but mom won't walk me in it. Sigh.

Lee said...

We even got some rain! OK, only 4mm but better than nothing!

Ruby Isabella said...

Anna- I don't like going out in the backyard in the rain, I prefer to stay dry. But I like walks more than staying dry.

Lee- I'll send some down.

Amber and Nala said...

Wow, looks like it was really coming down hard! I would NEVER go out in that stuff....I don't even like a drizzle but my Mom does!


Honey the Great Dane said...

Oh my God, that looks like scary rain!! I hate getting wet and never want to go for my walk if it's raining...still, as long as it's not cold as well, that's not too bad!

by the way, my human is asking if you could please tell Mandy that she is sorry she has not replied to Mandy's last email yet coz she has been really busy but she will soon!

Honey the Great Dane

Ruby Isabella said...

Amber and Nala- Funny, that's the other way round to most human and dog pair.

Honey- Mandy says, "no worries, we'll always be here."