Saturday, 14 March 2009

Licks a.k.a Kisses

All humans enjoy getting licks from a dog on the face. This is a fact. Most humans pretend that they don't. (It's just a funny human quirk.) Therefore, you must be stealthy. The young are the easiest to access. Some are small enough that you can just walk up and lay your tongue on them. Others are bigger and you need to get onto your hind legs and lick them on the face. This takes some co-ordination but with practice you will get it. Kids absolutely love kisses. You do have to be careful not to knock the little people over. Occasionally, a little person looks like they might be overwhelmed and might cry. In this case it is good to have a human to re-frame the situation. "You got a kiss! You are so lucky!" This always gets them to smile. 

Adults pose a problem because of their height. From time to time, you get an adult lower his or her face and say, "kisses," but it is rare. You really need to be an opportunist. For example, there is a 3 month old pup in the dog park, a lady bent down to give pats, I was nearby and lay a big kiss on her. It is important to always be on the look-out. Being on the couch with your people is a good time to get a kiss in. It is a good idea to make hay while the sun shines. If one of my people is lying down, I go in and get lots of kisses in before they have time to escape. I often find my other person will help out by holding down the one lying down so I can get more in. Of course, I am able to get non-face kisses in all the time.

Here is a photo of my big tongue. All the better to lick you with. 

Life is great when you are giving kisses.


Juliet Colors said...

I love kisses. My Miss Kitty gives me kisses, but my Bear-Bear cat does not. He doesn't believe in sharing kisses with humans, only other cats. I'm glad you don't have that species-prejudice, Ruby.

Kaye Waller said...

I love dog kisses and I miss them. Soon, hopefully, I'll be able to get lots of puppy kisses!

Lee said...

I'm afraid half a pint of lukewarm dog slobber doesn't do it for me!

Jeremy said...

I love your blogs! We lost our dog this past August(german shepard). She'd give kisses anytime you wanted them...and sometimes when you didn't want them. No family pets around its extra nice to visit with you guys through your blog. :) ~~jeremy

Ruby Isabella said...

JC- Good to hear you get cat kisses.

Steph- Puppy kisses coming. How exciting.

Lee- Everyone likes dog kisses some just don't admit it.

ZL- Sorry to hear about your dog. Giving kisses when humans think they don't want them is often the best time.

Anonymous said...

Oh Ruby, I don't have any problems accessing human faces...even the adult ones! Hee! Hee! In fact, the young humans are so small, I step on them sometimes...

But trust me, nobody likes kisses from me! I think your kisses are different - just a little moist touch! - my humans say that mine are like "Revenge of the Alien Slime"! But that's OK - my humans have trained me from puppy that they don't like kisses so I just give them my paw instead. I really like giving my paw to people or leaning on them - I don't mind doing that instead of kisses!

Honey the Great Dane

Henry the Dog said...

My mum loves me kissing her. As for little human pups - I kissed the one at the kennels regularly because his nose was running all the time - a bonus!

Confessions of a Wandering Soul said...

I miss waking up to my beloved Vicki's kisses. I did not need an alarm clock for the 11 years he was around. His slobber doubled up as one ;).

Amber and Nala said...

Oh yes, you know just how to do it! I work at this also and sometimes one of my humans will hold the other one down too. ;)


Black Jack's Carol said...

Hey, Ruby Isabella. Your kisses sound mighty fine to me. Think you can throw some as far as Vancouver? Black Jack likes to give kisses too. I tried to teach Scott, my last dog, to give kisses, but it just wasn't his way. He liked to lean on people, and there was something very endearing about those leans, as long as smaller or more frail humans remembered to brace themselves.

Ruby Isabella said...

Kisses to everyone! Even if you have to be held down to receive them.

TimT said...

These are excellent suggestions. You certainly know how to make the most out of an opportunity, Ruby. I'll pass them on to my parents border collie.

Jean said...

Aw, Ruby Isabella, you can give me kisses any time! None of my current pack are kissers, and I am definitely doggy-kiss-deprived!!!

Caleb, my 70 pound pitti who died of cancer last year, would clamber up into the lap of anyone sitting down and give them the best doggy kisses in the world. I miss that, though some of my guests do not.