Monday 9 February 2009

Why do dogs have people?

"It has been shown that owning a dog reduces high blood pressure by about ten points, reduces the risk of heart attack, and actually increases life span. These benefits do not come about simply because owners are forced to take more exercise when they walk their dogs. They are attributable to stress reduction. By focusing some of our attention on pets, we're able to cast off some of our nown anxieties. I sometimes wonder, though, whether our own neediness doesn't add to our pets burdens. It seems quite possible that troubled and neurotic owners might unwittingly adversely affect their pet's well-being."

If Only They Could Speak Nicholas H. Dodman

So why don't a pack of dogs at the dog park get together and plan an escape? They could go bush and escape their people's neuroses for good. The answer is the same as to why humans don't run from their neurotic families. (Of course, they do and should if it is bad enough.) We (humans and dogs) are all pack animals. We love the good and the bad of our pack. We don't even label it, "good" and "bad". We stick by them. We are there when they need us. People and dogs can be treated cruelly in their family/pack and this is very sad. But everyone is doing the best they can and, generally, it is a mix of good and bad, and I believe mostly good. So us dogs get a lot from our relationship from humans. The better off they are, the better off we are. And vice versa. The goal of the whole thing is to spread the love.

This is a picture of me eating a carrot. They are tasty, great to chew and they keep my teeth clean.

Life is great when you spread the love.


Raising Addie said...

We agree! Spread the love in any way you can!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Confessions of a Wandering Soul said...

How theraputic and self- gratifying!Way to go Ruby :)

Amber and Nala said...

Spread away is what I say!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Dogs are GREAT !!!!!

Ruby Isabella said...

Thanks everyone for the nice comments. Thanks Brian for the link and all the good dog stories on your site.