Tim and Mandy start by throwing the frisbee to me. I charge after it, coming to terms with the flight of this new object. I then pick up and run around with glee at my new possession. Then Tim and Mandy throw it to each other and I run back and forth and pounce on it when it missed its target, which was quite often as they are new to frisbee throwing. Now, imagine a tail wagging, smiling and laughing. This bit of rubber provided us with a whole heap of joy. It is proving challenging catching the frisbee but I have done it a few times. There is a border collier in the dog park who can do amazing leaps to catch a frisbee. I say go out and get a frisbee. If you're a dog, convince your person. If you're a person without a dog do it anyway, as Tim and Mandy enyoyed it a lot.
Lo eres...
Escrito el 16/09/17
Lo eres...
"Eres un mundo
Un mundo precioso con paisajes y curvas,
Un mundo precioso con un cielo estrellado de pensamientos.
7 years ago